Monday 22 August 2011

The Forest Cometh.......Update

The forest truely cometh.......The young trees are begining to develop into true woodland now and even the Ordnance Survey have taken note.
New native woodland beginning to mature beneath the towering bulk of Raven Craig


Thursday 3 February 2011

The Forest Cometh......

At least one of the many, many naked and denuded man made deserts that we have all come to know as Bonnie Scotland will once more be clothed as nature intended (albeit with a helping hand from man). Fitting, perhaps, that man should make amends for the relentless exploitation of every square metre of this ancient and noble land.

Carrifran, Moffat Hills, Scotland. View of the Saddle Yolks from Firthhope Corrie.

 Remnant birch & rowan in Holly Gill. One of the last surviving fragments of natural woodland in the glen.

 Ancient rowan on the lip of a steep ravine, where it was able to survive the worst ravages of sheep & goats.